The International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity (IJTDC)
The International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity (IJTDC) is a refereed journal published twice a year by both the International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE) & Lost Prizes International (LPI). Manuscripts submitted will be peer reviewed through a double blind process. Feedback to the authors will be provided within 4-6 weeks.
This journal has grown out of an ongoing, vibrant partnership between the International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE) and Lost Prizes International (LPI).
So together, ICIE and LPI will continue to work in unison to forge partnerships with other individuals and groups through professional conferences that connect educators and create a spirit of global citizenship.
The IJTDC – offered both online and in hard-copy format – is one piece of our service-delivery puzzle. Since there are some messages, themes, and information we wanted to highlight from the outset, this first issue, and the second, are by-invitation-only. Many well-known researchers agreed to submit articles, and we thank them sincerely for their contributions. By the time the next volume rolls around, we will be opening things up and calling for papers in the traditional manner. Should we feel the need to focus on a particular topic from time to time, we’ll go the special issue route.
Aside from the articles, IJTDC will contain the following regular features: (1) Book Reviews. Important books in our discipline will be reviewed on an ongoing basis; (2) Standing on the Shoulders of Giants. This segment honours the memory of cherished colleagues who have passed on. All individuals recognized in this manner in IJTDC will have made enormous contributions to ICIE and/or LPI; (3) Profiles in Creativity. The intent here is to focus on the lives and work of pioneers in our area who are widely acknowledged for their creativity, and to consider what unique characteristics set them apart; and, (4) Exemplary Programs. Here is the place where real-world practitioners get to share their work in an international forum. In an effort to stimulate cross-cultural communication and partnering, however, the long-term goal is to feature various projects from many countries.
Submit all manuscripts in quadruplicate, double spaced, accompanied by a short abstract (approximately 100 to 150 words), and with citations and references, following the guidelines set forth in the Publication Manual of the APA, 7th Edition. To get a copy of the submission guidelines, Click HERE.

Dr. Karen Magro (Editor-in-Chief), IJTDC;
Faculty of Education; University of Winnipeg; 515 Portage Avenue; Winnipeg, Manitoba; R3B 2E9, Canada.
e-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Or to the ICIE Headquarters: e-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
IJTDC: Welcome!!!
The International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity (IJTDC) is a refereed journal published twice a year by both the International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE) & the Lost Prizes International (LPI).
ISSN: 2291-7179 (Print)
ISSN: 2563-6871 (Online)